The aim of the Soft Water Eczema Trial (SWET) is to discover whether eczema can be improved by deliberately softening all water used in the home (except at one tap in the kitchen which will supply mains water for drinking)
Over 300 families have been invited to see whether the installation of a water softener will improve eczema and other skin conditions. The cost of this research is £1m funded by National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Technology Assessment (HTA) programme.
It seems to be pretty well known that people living in hard water areas suffer from eczema more than those in softer water areas so the experiment may well prove what many of us already know. Hard water causes more skin problems than soft water. No need to spend £1m finding that out.
So, the answer then is to install a water softener insn’t it? It seems either that or move to a soft water area. Now despite the problems associated with hard water including skin problems and certainly including the problems of limescale, hard water is actually very good for you. Everyone needs Calcium and there is a lot of it in hard water.
Calcium is essential for growing children and essential for proper cell metabolism. Without it we would have no teeth or skeletons.
It seems people who live in softer water areas where the Calcium content is lower may not suffer from skin problems but the level of heart attacks is greater. Anyway, if you use a softener you can’t drink the water and in fact require a dedicated tap in the kitchen for unsoftened water.
Now, if you want to have softer water with the Calcium still present, and you don’t want the hassle of a traditional salt filled softener and you want to get rid of eczema, you need a Little Plumber.
No chemicals or maintenance and you get a 12 MONTH MONEY BACK GUARANTEE so if your eczema doesn’t go then simply send back the LP unit for a full refund. Must be worth taking a chance! And they cost almost nothing to run and cost much less to buy than an “Old Salty”. can fit them yourself.
The aim of the Soft Water Eczema Trial (SWET) is to discover whether eczema can be improved by deliberately softening all water used in the home (except at one tap in the kitchen which will supply mains water for drinking)
Over 300 families have been invited to see whether the installation of a water softener will improve eczema and other skin conditions. The cost of this research is £1m funded by National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Technology Assessment (HTA) programme.
It seems to be pretty well known that people living in hard water areas suffer from eczema more than those in softer water areas so the experiment may well prove what many of us already know. Hard water causes more skin problems than soft water. No need to spend £1m finding that out.
So, the answer then is to install a water softener insn’t it? It seems either that or move to a soft water area. Now despite the problems associated with hard water including skin problems and certainly including the problems of limescale, hard water is actually very good for you. Everyone needs Calcium and there is a lot of it in hard water.
Calcium is essential for growing children and essential for proper cell metabolism. Without it we would have no teeth or skeletons.
It seems people who live in softer water areas where the Calcium content is lower may not suffer from skin problems but the level of heart attacks is greater. Anyway, if you use a softener you can’t drink the water and in fact require a dedicated tap in the kitchen for unsoftened water.
Now, if you want to have softer water with the Calcium still present, and you don’t want the hassle of a traditional salt filled softener and you want to get rid of eczema, you need a Little Plumber.
No chemicals or maintenance and you get a 12 MONTH MONEY BACK GUARANTEE so if your eczema doesn’t go then simply send back the LP unit for a full refund. Must be worth taking a chance! And they cost almost nothing to run and cost much less to buy than an “Old Salty”. can fit them yourself.