Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Save Enery Now
Compare if you will then the sad state of much of the earth subject to global warming to the point where the seas are becoming so depleted of fish stocks that whole species are being wiped out and fish catches are diminishing.
Politicans eager to gain political acclaim shout many new "Save Energy" slogans and even some give money to help houses to reduce energy costs.
One cause of energy loss that YOU can do something about now is the removal and prevention of limescale. The crystallisation of CHALK in your plumbing caused by hard water will cause you loss of energy by reducing significantly the efficiency of the heat exchangers, shortening the life of your appliances and of course producing unsightly scum.
This can be stopped and reversed NOT by lugging great bags of salt around the house and chucking waste water down the drain but with the latest efficient electronic water softening device, the LITTLE PLUMBER
The cost of one of these units will be SAVED in the first year by increasing your energy efficiency and will cause that donkey to nod just one or two times less.
More money in your pocket and less in the oil supplier. Better for the earth as well as better for you.
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
ASH CLOUD over Britain
The eruption of the Grimsvotn volcano in Iceland is enough for us to realise the power of nature. It can be seen for miles and it affects not only those people living near it in Iceland but also aircraft who are at risk flying through the sand and dust it throws up miles into the heavens.
The power of nature is strong indeed and the energy released is also huge. The fact that it is so newsworthy is because it is so easy to see the raw power of a volcanic eruption and the devastating consequences.
The power of nature is also at work in areas of the world which suffer from hard water. The dissolved salts of chalk present in the mains water which comes into you property rapidly come out of solution and re-crystallises as chalk again. The name CHALK is replaced with LIMESCALE and as we know the effects can be just as devastating in the long term as a volcanic eruption.
If you added together the cost of all the energy wasted, all the domestic appliances ruined, all the extra washing up liquids, shampoos and cleaners used in the U.K. in one year it would be more than the cost of one volcanic outburst.
While we can wait for Grimsvotn to die down and the dust the settle, the all pervading problem of limescale continue unabated.
But help is at hand. No need to ground the planes, just install a Little Plumber and your problems will be solved.
The amount of energy you save in the first year of use with a Little Plumber will cover the cost of the unit and the cost of operation…..about £2.00 a year.
Sometimes the raw power of nature can be reversed and so easily and at so little cost.
Thursday, 20 January 2011
Cappuccino time
Max, the manager is thrilled with the results. "We used to always be pouring descaler fluid through the coffee machine which ran slower and slower because of the build-up of limescale. Now since May we have had no problems. The LP2 was very easy to fit and I am surprised more pubs and cafes don't install them....and the coffee....tastes great!"
The fact is that without any chemicals or additional plumbing, the LP2 has saved the Dean Swift a lot of effort and kept the coffee coming at minimal cost.