Tuesday, 21 April 2009

The Darling Buds of May

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The Darling Buds of May

It really doesn’t matter what the Chancellor says in his important budget speech, the plain fact is that politicians in the main have let us the voters down, badly.

If the Darling buds are to bloom and we are to see the green shoots of recovery, we are going to have to do a hell of lot more than improve the efficiency of an over weaned, over burgeoning and generally overweight governmental system that has the weirdest bunch of groups known to man in it’s midst. Yes cut them out get rid of overpaid part-timers with their gold plated pensions and try and save the billions we need to stop generations of Britains carrying the weight of debt into the next millennium.

But there are ways we can stop waste now. We do need electric cars Mr Brown but despite hours spent on the ‘phone trying to find them I ask you seriously, where are they?

There’s a way all of us who put up with the scourge of limescale and hard water for instance can immediately stop the waste of heating up layers of scale in our boilers, make our washing machines and dishwashers last longer and generally have softer water without the need for “old salty” water softeners.

Just by fitting a Little Plumber unit in your house or premises you can save a fortune in heating bills, experience softer water and all for the magnificent sum of £3.00 a year in running costs.

Yes if you install one of these you really might start seeing the darling buds of may begin to bloom in the money you save. Your planet will thank you for it too since by using less energy you’ll produce less CO2 the greenhouse gas. It has been estimated that four power stations could be closed with the energy saved if everyone in the UK who lived in a hard water area fitted these units.
So Mr Darling, there’s something you could do straight away…just cut the tax on Little Plumbers and even give a grant to people in hard water areas towards buying one. Those darling buds might bloom quicker than you think and you wouldn’t have to sack anybody!!

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